Our Company

LCM & Associates Limited (LCMA) was established in 1994, and has continued to strive for excellence in a new epoch by diversifying our professional services to social and universal rising need on Architecture, Culture & Heritage Conservation. Our team consists of conservation experts including experienced conservation architects, designers, built-heritage specialists, with project experiences all over Hong Kong, Macao, Greater China and Southeast Asia region.

LCMA provides professional services to architectural advisory consultancy, and consultancy service for architectural conservation projects including conservation development, preservation and restoration, adaptive reuse and revitalization. We also provide professional study and assessment including heritage impact assessment (HIA) and conservation/ cultural heritage management plan (CMP/CHMP); heritage and condition surveys and documentations; as well as other culture, education and community development projects.


LCMA 成立於1994年,一直為社會和普世對建築、文化和遺產保護的需求提供專業及多元化貢獻。

LCMA 的專業團隊由具有豐富經驗的建築師、設計師和文物保育專家組成,具有遍及香港、澳門、大中華及東南亞地區的不同項目經驗。

LCMA 的專業服務包括對建築咨詢和建築文物的保護和修復、活化及再利用的顧問服務,同時亦提供專業研究及評估服務,包括文物影響評估(HIA)及保育/文化遺產管理計劃(CMP/CHMP) 、古建文化遺產/狀況調查及檔案建立,以及其他文化、教育和社區發展項目。
