Revitalization of Cheung Chau Theatre

Grade 3 Historic Building 三級歷史建築

Cheung Chau, Hong Kong 香港長洲

Use 用途
Commercial 商業
Client 客戶
Private Owner 私人業主
Scope of Services 委託範圍
Heritage Consultant for Planning Application 保育顧問 - 規劃申請
Project Status 項目進度
S.16 Partially agreed by TPB in 2013

  • Adaptive Reuse and A&A of Cheung Chau Theatre and Development of new buildings for eating place and shop and services
  • 活化及改建長洲戲院,及發展餐飲及零售新構建物


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Cheung Chau Theatre-2
Cheung Chau Theatre-3

Cheung Chau Theatre-1