Revitalisation of Former Central Government Offices (Main & East Wings) into Justice Place
活化前中區政府合署(中座及東座) - 律政中心

Project in collaboration with +LWK & Partners

Grade 1 Historic Building 一級歷史建築

Central, Hong Kong 香港中環

Use 用途
Governmental 政府
Client 客戶
ArchSD 建築署
Scope of Services 委託範圍
Heritage Consultant - Heritage Impact Assessment
保育顧問 - 文物影響評估
Project Status 項目進度
Completed in 2015 已於2015完成

  • Prepare a Heritage Impact Assessment for the conversion of the Former Central Government Offices (Main & East Wings) into Justice Place
  • 為活化及改建前中區政府合署(中座及東座)成為律政中心準備文物影響評估


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