Fung Chi Tin Hau Temple (Phase II)
鳳池村天后宮 (第二期)

Project in collaboration with +LWK & Partners

Grade 1 Historic Building 一級歷史建築

Fung Chi Tsuen, Yuen Long, Hong Kong 香港元朗鳳池村

Use 用途
Religious Institution 宗教機構
Client 客戶
Ping Shan Rural Committee 屏山鄉事委員會
Scope of Services 委託範圍
Project Architect / Authorized Person / Heritage Consultant
項目建築師 / 認可人士 / 保育顧問
Project Status 項目進度
Completed in 2019 已於2019年完成

  • Financial Assistance for Maintenance Scheme on Built Heritage (FAS)
  • Repair of internal walls plaster, timber doors, plaque and couplets; repair external brick walls and other maintenance works


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Fung Chi Tin Hau Temple-2
Fung Chi Tin Hau Temple-3
Fung Chi Tin Hau Temple-4

Fung Chi Tin Hau Temples-1