Revitalisation of Former North Kowloon Magistracy into SCAD Hong Kong*
活化前北九龍裁判法院 -

Grade 3 Historic Building 三級歷史建築

Shum Shui Po, Hong Kong 香港深水埗

Use 用途
Institutional 機構
Client 客戶
SCAD 薩凡納藝術設計大學
Scope of Services 委託範圍
Heritage Consultant 保育顧問
Project Status 項目進度
Completed in 2013 已於2013完成

  • Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme (Batch I)
    活化歷史建築伙伴計劃 (第一期)
  • Revitalisation and Conversion of existing magistracy building into a tertiary educational institution for arts and culture


*Note: SCAD Hong Kong has ceased operation and handed over the site to HKSARG in 2020.
Former Fanling Magistracy-1
Former Fanling Magistracy-2
Former Fanling Magistracy-3
Former Fanling Magistracy-4

Former Fanling Magistracy-1