Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Building

Grade 2 Historic Building 二級歷史建築

Dragon Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港銅鑼灣皇龍道

Use 用途
Religious Institution 宗教機構
Client 客戶
Hong Kong Red Swastika Society 香港紅卍字會
Scope of Services 委託範圍
Project Architect / Authorized Person / Heritage Consultant
項目建築師 / 認可人士 / 保育顧問
Project Status 項目進度
Works in Progress 工程進行中

  • Financial Assistance for Maintenance Scheme on Built Heritage (FAS)
  • Repair of internal walls plaster, roof waterproofing, spalling concrete and terrazzo flooring


HKRSS Building-1
HKRSS Building-2

HKRSS Buildings-1